Monday, November 29, 2010

October/November (catching up slowly)

OK - we should be all aught up after this! We did A LOT in October and November, here is some of it!
We went to the Deerfield Fair - here we are posing on a pig statue :)

The boys LOVED climbing all over the tractors, even Landon

Luke had 2 of his buddies there - Aiden (on this tractor with him) and his BFF Sebastien

He REALLY liked the tractors

Our Geothermal heat system went in in October. Luke was in HEAVEN with the well drilling.

After Friday playgroup one week we had a lunch date with Lukes buddies. In this picture there is George (who is Landon's age), Luke, Sebastien and Landon. Genevieve (7 mo) and baby Sean (1 month) were also there - just not sitting at the table :)

Landon turned 1 in October!! We had a small party for him and he loved the attention and everyone singing to him!!! Here- Luke sits with Grandma while we bring Landon's cake out

He loved the singing!

He liked the cake too!!

Grandma and Grandpa brought over pumpkins for the boys and they looked great on the new front stairs!

We had great fall weather and Landon had a lot of fun playing outside. Most days that we are home the boys do not nap at the same time so that means lots of playtime alone - which Landon likes! I thought this picture was pretty funny :)

We went to a fall festival in Hudson NH. We thought Luke would love to ride on these trucks that rode on train tracks. So we bought tickets for him to ride on it, but then he decided he didn't want to, so Landon got to ride with Sebastien!

Luke and Sebastien rode together in our stroller and they loved it!

There was a tent and the kids liked running around in it

There was a fire truck that was remote controlled and it talked!! The boys were not too sure of it but yet kept going back to it

Playgroup has been going well and we have had a great turn out each week. Most of the kids did not wear costumes at the Halloween party (see below) but had a great time!

Landon didn't mind wearing his costume but Luke wanted nothing to do with it! Here is Luke and his gf Genevieve (and Rick and Kim)

Landon is walking all over the place!
Here is a messy eating boy!

We went to Grandma and Grandpa's house for our birthdays (Nicki, Rick, Dee and John). Here is Grandma and Luke
Grandma and Avah made these awesome cupcakes!!
Here is Luke diving into his cupcake :)Grandma and the boys - Avah fell off the side of the chair hahaThat's better! Grandma, Avah, Luke, Landon Aunty Dee with Luke and Avah

Avah, Luke and Landon
Avah and Luke onthe couch :) Luke ready to trick or treat

Luke dragging Landon and the wagon

Landon is ready to go
Nana and Papa had an open house in early November. Nana's nieces were visiting from Florida - so it was a great excuse for a family reunion!! Aunty Sharon is always a hit with LukeHe LOVES the dustbuster. So - Aunty Sharon was crushing up chips onto the floor so Luke could "Busta the floor" hahaThe boys had been working like crazy making Veteran's Day cards. On the 10th (I Had to work on the 11th) we went to a local Adult Daycare and to a local nursing home to deliver the cards to some veterans!!! Both places knew we were coming so they prepared a list of the Vets and it was great!! The older people loved seeing the boys and since the boys love people with gray hair, they loved them!!

Another fall day playing outside!

I love pumpkins!
Rick put these new granite posts in. You can also see the new mailbox post on the right side. There is still 1 more post to put in down near the cozy coupe... almost done!!

Rick and I took the boys to the Boston Children's Museum a couple weeks ago. The boys loved it there! Here is Landon crawling through a tube in the construction room!

Luke found a tent! He loves camping :)

Luke drove Landon and I in a car :)

Landon loved going down a slide haha

Thanksgiving!!!! We had thanksgiving at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Here is the kids table- Averie, Luke and Landon did well sitting there. Grandma had to help get them set up though :)

Landon grabbed Averie's cranberry shop off her plate.. she was NOT happy haha

After dinner and dessert the kids went to play in "their" room. Averie took to jumping on Luke's bed

After Grandma and Grandpa's house we went to Nana and Papa's! Landon snuggled right into Lizzie :) so cute

Aunty Rae is always a hit and the boys love her

Awwww brothers
Nana, Papa and Luke
On the Saturday after thanksgiving we went to cut down our Christmas tree! It was the first time we cut one down. Here is Rick pulling the boys through the tree farmThey had a lot of fun! Here they are in the wagon and you can see Rick's legs sticking out from under the tree :)

Luke has been OBSESSED with the tree since we set it up. He knows the names of most of the ornaments and always wants to be in the room with the tree. He loves Rick's ornament from when he was a kid. It's a nutcracker and you can make it dance by pulling a string. He always says "go see nutcacka" haha. It's really amazing to see the look of awe when he looks at the Christmas tree though. And he already knows the TRUE meaningof Christmas. He keeps saying "Happy Birthday Jesus!" and he says hi to Jesus in the Nativity set and the Nativity ornament - he waves "Hi Jesus"

I let the boys put up the first couple ornamants on the tree (see above) They did a great job. Initially... then luke rippedthe arms off the snowman closest to him. OOps! Tonight he broke another ornament but I think that one can be glued :)
Ok - all caught up (for the most part) and Iwill hopefully be better from here on out :)

1 comment:

Kim said...

Cute pics! I let sebastien hang some "safe" ornaments on our tree and he still managed to get and break one of mine!