Sunday, March 21, 2010

Past month

At the end of February Kim, Becca and I took all the boys to the Children's Museum in Boston. Luke and Sebastien had a blast crawling through the tunnels in the Construction Zone.
When I showed Luke the jack hammer, he loved the loud noise!
Tried to get a family picture with the boys wearing construction hats but it didn't turn out too well - here was the best one of me and my boys!
There was a room just for toddlers 3 and under. Luke and Sebastien loved driving this car! There was a radio in it and everything!
the workers would walk around and blow bubbles and Luke was fascinated :)
After a day at the museum Landon was VERY tired!! So was Luke and both boys took a nice long nap when we got home
A few days later Luke woke up with a stuffy nose. His nose must have been running all night long as when he got up he had boogies crusted all over his face :( poor guy haha. He was still in a good mood despite this funny face :)
On Feb 5th (4 days shy of his 5 month birthday) Landon learned to roll!
That night Uncle John came over for a hot tub/dinner/movie night with us. He read Luke a book and played with the boys before bedtime. Luke loves his Uncle John!

Our neighbor has lots of animals and if we play outside we head down to see them. Luke loves the ducks and chickens the most

He has also been obsessed with puddle jumping. I had to buy him rain boots as his winter boots seemed to be "water resistant" and not "water proof" haha
The first weekend in March we headed up North to visit Great Grammy, Aunty Jane and Uncle Dave. Landon showed off his rolling skills and we had fun playing!
Luke rode around on the horsey stick and used the baby monitor as a phone.
Ride em cowboy!
In the morning we went outside and found lots of fresh animal tracks in the yard.
Unlce Dave showed Luke which tracks were from deer and which were from coyotte!! Luke was impressed
Luke loved all the different toys and had a really good time hanging out with the family
On March 10th we got a text message saying Genevieve was born! Her big brother Sebastien wasn't expecting her until the following week, but she had other ideas! When she was 1 day old, her boyfriend Landon went for a visit. She was not too impressed and rolled over and went to sleep :)
Landon is such a big boy now- he can hold his own bottle easily
On March 14th we went to see Aunty Dee and play with the cats for a bit. I forgot my camera but Luke loved the cats. He got to eat lunch with Uncle John and run around a bunch. Rick went to the next town and bought a camper while we had our visit. On the way home we stopped at the mall and bought a new washer and dryer (yay!) and bought the boys their Easter outfits. When we got home I called nana and papa and they told me to come over with the boys as Uncle Ronnie was down for a visit!
Uncle Ronnie was GREAT with the boys and loved spending time with them.

On St. Patrick's day we put the boys in all green. It didn't last too long as it was almost 70 degrees out and their green was cold weather gear! But here is Landon giving Luke a kiss (with the help od Dadda to get over to his big brother)

Here is Luke playing on Dadda's lawn tractor (it's really more of a lawn ornament at this point as it broke - but Luke likes it!!) He is showing off his reverse look :)

After the fun on the tractor, he rode the jet skiis with his Dad. This has been a favorite anytime we are outside!
Then we put a new hitch on the jet ski trailer. I got stabbed with a piece of rusty metal and had to go to the MD to get a tetanus shot as it was outdated. Guess I have been out of high school longer than 10 years *sigh*

Luke helped us pick out a new siding color for the house! I was putting the samples up to the house, so Luke started doing it too haha
One of my mommy friends from playgroup came over before lunch and we walked down to the "petting zoo"... this is Landon and his girlfriend Gabriella
Landon was grabbing at her hands and then he put his hands on her leg haha

Here are the 2 babies down at the petting zoo. they were not too interested in the animals
Abby (gabriella's older sister) and Luke were loving the animals!
On Friday it was SO nice out we decided to skip playgroup and go to the playground instead. We packed a picnic and headed over. It was almost 70 degrees out so Luke was loving the weather
After the playground and our picnic we had nap time and then more paytime outside! Luke wore his USAF hat that Uncle Daryl gave him. In the background you can see the free cozy coupe we got on the side of the road

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