Thursday, December 25, 2008

2nd Attempt

Luke really liked this box.. it has a bunch of different things for him to play with. Also, a winnie the pooh stuffed animal and a little glow worm toy Grandma and Grandpa got him this stand up activity table

Here is his brand new basketball hoop!! The activity box and the ring stacker. The top of the activity box has little animals that slide on tracks and each side of the box has a different thing. You can see the xylophone and the peg board.

With grandma and grandpa and cousin Avah

Group shot
Hanging with Uncle John
He did such a great job opening his gifts! He loved the tissue paper! Hanging out with Grandpa

Sitting with Aunty Dee

I got a few minutes of cuddles too

He liked it when Grandma was being silly

Here is Luke playing with the sleepy-rocking Santa Here is his Christmas outfit that Grandma and Grandpa picked out for him... he looked very handsome :)

Big boy playing with his new activity box toy, and standing up all by himself!

Playing with his new cell phone in his new hat!

Playing with his xylophone

1 comment:

Skellyvision said...

Cute photos, love the hat!